The cooperative marketing development in Ukraine and in the world


  • Olga Budnik Zhytomyr National Agroecological University



agrarian sector, cooperative marketing, small business, competitiveness.


The article presents a case study of the cooperative marketing, used in Ukraine and in the world. The author also focuses on the small business development. The influence and negative impact of different economic factors on small business are determined. The current problems and impossibility of getting the necessary financial resources for the small companies is accented. The special attention is paid to the importance of agricultural cooperation. The essence of the concept of agricultural cooperation is specified. The main cooperative trends in Ukraine economy as well as in the world companies are reviewed and systematized. The attention is paid to the research of the sales, service, marketing, processing, supply and multipurpose cooperatives. The research also shows the necessity of marketing approaches to the modern domestic agricultural company’s activity implementation. The organizational and economic aspects of cooperative marketing are grounded. The basic problems of market adaptation in the sphere of cooperative marketing are investigated. The special attention is paid to the advantages and prospects of cooperative marketing for agricultural organizations. The features and factors of the rural economy development based on the cooperative marketing are detailed. The cooperative marketing as an effective element of the agricultural producer’s protection is under consideration.


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How to Cite

Budnik, O. (2017). The cooperative marketing development in Ukraine and in the world. Agricultural and Resource Economics: International Scientific E-Journal, 3(1), 45–53.


