Instability of production of goods of plant-grower in Gagauzia as objective economic process in agriculture


  • Ljudmila Todorich Comrat State University



agriculture, Gagauzia, stability, yield, gross yield


To the article the analysis of dynamics of production and stability of basic agricultural cultures of Gagauzia is driven. It is well-proven that modern operating of the agricultural enterprises specialized on the production of goods of plant-grower conditions are characterized enhanceable dynamic quality of external and internal environment and, as a result – by the high level of instability, in this connection principal reasons of instability of production of goods of plant-grower mark and a row over of recommendations is brought on the improvement of situation. Taking into account the qualificatory value of efficiency of the use of earth in agriculture as a main mean of production, a study of the productivity of grain-crops is undertaken in Gagauzia for 1995–2014 and the level of their stability is educed. The most steady is educed for a production in the conditions of risk agriculture agricultural culture.


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How to Cite

Todorich, L. (2015). Instability of production of goods of plant-grower in Gagauzia as objective economic process in agriculture. Agricultural and Resource Economics: International Scientific E-Journal, 1(1), 48–56.


