Institutionalization of agricultural insurance in Ukraine: impact factors and vectors of development
agri-insurance, level of penetration of insurance, risks, agriculture, stakeholders, multi-risk insurance, index insurance.Abstract
Purpose. The purpose of the paper is investigation of the development of the Ukrainian market of insurance products in agriculture with the identification and classification of factors that affect the dynamics of the main market indicators, and determination on this basis the conceptual directions of building an effective system of agricultural insurance in Ukraine.
Methodology / method / approach. The methodology of the study consisted of the provisions of neoclassical and institutional theories; we used methods of generalization and systematization (by determining current trends in the development of the agricultural insurance market), periodization (to identify common features and differences in the formation of agricultural insurance in Ukraine), statistical analysis (to analyze the dynamics of agricultural development indicators, the agricultural insurance market), factor analysis (to determine the factors influencing the effectiveness of agricultural insurance); correlation and regression analyzes (by revealing dependence of development indicators of agricultural insurance market from macroeconomic indicators and volumes of state financing), prognostic (to formulate conclusions and proposals on conceptual vectors of development of agricultural insurance).
Results. The study revealed a low level of penetration (implementation) of insurance in the agriculture of Ukraine. Agri-insurance is carried out mainly in crop production. Modern insurance products are presented in the Ukrainian insurance market, but their range is smaller than in the countries with developed agricultural insurance. Regulatory provision of insurance for agricultural products is represented by a large number of documents, the failure of which in full compliance with certain provisions, such as state subsidies for insurance premiums, impedes the development of agricultural insurance. We summarized and classified the factors of development of agricultural insurance in Ukraine and used a mathematical model to identify the main functional factors that influence the dynamics of insured areas. We established an important dependence of the development of agricultural insurance on a set of institutional and functional factors.
Originality / scientific novelty. The systematic approach to the research of agricultural insurance as a constituent of conditions for sustainable development of the agrarian sphere was further developed. It is determined that implementation of potential opportunities of agricultural insurance as a component of ensuring conditions for sustainable development of the agrarian sector is hampered by the high cost of insurance premiums, insufficient amounts of financing of state programs, inconsistency of state policy, absence in its development and implementation of medium-term planning; incompleteness of information on the part of stakeholders regarding the necessity, availability of agricultural insurance. For the development of agricultural insurance, it is necessary to reduce the negative impact of such factors.
Practical value / significance. The institutionalization of agricultural insurance, as one of the preconditions for the functioning of Ukrainian agriculture on the principles of sustainable development, will facilitate the transition from multi-risk to index insurance, the formation of a transparent regulatory environment, the introduction of medium-term state programming, the dissemination of information on the necessity, availability, expediency of agricultural insurance at the state level for the stakeholder.
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