State and prospects of functioning of the market of leasing services in agriculture
leasing, leasing services market, leasing in agriculture, financial leasing, lessor, lessee.Abstract
Purpose. The purpose of the study is to determine the features, problems and prospects of the market of leasing services in agriculture and its place in the development of leasing in Ukraine.
Methodology / approach. The methodological basis of the study was both general and special methods of scientific knowledge. The following methods were used: monographic, abstract-logical, dialectical, system-structural analysis. In addition, a systemic approach, methods of institutional political economy, generalization, induction, deduction, analysis, synthesis and comparison were used to achieve this purpose.
Results. The article thoroughly investigates the development of the leasing services market in Ukraine, analyzes the trends of its development. The peculiarities of leasing as a type of economic activity that affect its development and spread are generalized. It is determined that the most active use of leasing operations is in agriculture and transport. It is established that the main players in the market of financial leasing services are legal entities lessors, the ten largest of them form up to 80 % of the portfolio of existing contracts. If the trend to increase the value of the leasing portfolio is maintained, in 2020 the value of financial leasing agreements in Ukrainian agriculture may increase to 8192.6 mln UAH. It is determined that leasing is a common way to form the material-and-technical base of agricultural production, it increases the productivity, helps to modernize of agribusiness and increase the competitiveness of products, enterprises and the industry as a whole.
Originality / scientific novelty. The scientific novelty is to determine the ratio of the dynamics of changes in the value of financial leasing agreements concluded in agriculture with an indicator of gross domestic product, and the development of mathematical functions that describe the change in these indicators. The substantiation of the place of agriculture in the market of financial leasing services was further developed.
Practical value / implications. The practical value of this article is that the theoretical generalizations obtained by the author will contribute to the formation of ideas about the state and prospects of the leasing services market in Ukraine and the place of agriculture in it. The developed functions of extrapolation of the value of financial leasing agreements of the industry and gross domestic product can be used in the current planning process.
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