Priorities ensuring of the Ukraine’s agriculture competitiveness in the world markets
world agrarian market, export, strategic priorities, competitiveness, agriculture.Abstract
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to determine the priorities for ensuring the Ukraine’s agriculture competitiveness in the world markets.
Methodology / approach. Economic and statistical methods (graphic method, comparison method, correlation-regression and trend analysis) were used to diagnose the development trends of the global agricultural market. Using techniques of abstract-logical method and method of generalization, the main regularities of the manifestation of globalization in the agrarian sector were identified and the priorities of ensuring the competitiveness of Ukraine’s agriculture were determined.
Results. In the article, according to the analysis results of the world agrarian market development, it was concluded that there is a trend towards its growth. There is also a tendency towards concentration of agricultural products world trade by individual groups of countries. That is why the strategy of promoting Ukrainian agricultural goods to world markets should be moderately aggressive, and strengthen the position of Ukrainian agriculture in world markets requires the implementation of priorities ensuring its competitiveness.
Originality / scientific novelty. The set of priorities for ensuring the Ukraine’s agriculture competitiveness in the world markets was improved. These priorities are systematized in two groups: market oriented priorities (formation of an export-oriented model of agricultural development, moderately aggressive character of Ukrainian goods promotion, providing of complementary effects of entering the world markets, creation of new non-traditional market niches, market orientation of positioning strategies and promotion of goods) and production oriented priorities (providing innovative way of business, the integration of producers in the export-oriented segment, the development of organic products production, etc.).
Practical value / significance. Determining the priorities of ensuring Ukraine’s agriculture competitiveness will allow to substantiate the methods and mechanisms of policy implementation to strengthen its positions in the world agrarian markets.
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