Scientific and methodical bases of development of marketing of innovations at agrarian enterprises
marketing, innovation, marketing of innovations, productive potential, marketing potential, innovation potential, agrarian enterpriseAbstract
The notion of marketing and innovations and peculiarities of marketing of innovations at agrarian enterprises is given in the article. Methodical approaches to the assessment of the potential components of the agrarian enterprises innovation development are defined. The state of the marketing activity and marketing of innovations at agrarian enterprises is studied. The assessment of agrarian enterprises potential growth efficiency on the basis of marketing of innovations is done. The actual state of innovation activity of agrarian enterprises is analyzed. The main factors that hinder implementation of innovations in agricultural enterprises are identified. The most significant among them is the scarcity of own funds, the high cost of innovation, scarcity of financial support from the state, scarcity of information about new technologies, scarcity of qualified staff, low innovation capacity of enterprises, scarcity of information about markets, underdevelopment of cooperative relations.
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